If the Respondus LDB continues to prompt you to download the extension after install please clear the browsers cache and cookies. Please ensure your Chromebook OS is up to date before you install the extension. Then, after clicking on the assessment link the LockDown Browser will activate and will not allow you to use any other apps until the assessment has been submitted. If your instructor is using the Respondus LockDown Browser for an assessment in Canvas, access the test as you normally would using Google Chrome. Login to your Canvas course using a student login. screen capture, instant messaging) choose Yeswhen prompted. If prompted to close a blocked program (e.g. Of the data collected during an exam, Respondus does not sell, rent, or otherwise disclose your personal information click to review Respondus privacy-policy (Source). Restart the computer to restore the settings (Source).

(For Mac users, launch LockDown Browser from the Applications folder.) 2. The following download link is specific to Texas Tech University, as it contains pre-configured information to connect you to TTUs Blackboard. The Mac Touch Bar will lose custom settings temporarily during the LockDown Browser session. Students with Chromebooks can install the LockDown Browser extension for Google Chrome at Locate the LockDown Browser shortcut on the desktop and double-click it.

During the beta testing of this new product, the following steps need to be taken by Instructors and Students for this process to work. If everything succeeded in step 3, you should see your image. This is accomplished by means of a Chrome extension. On the same system, start LockDown Browser and run the webcam check from the 'Webcam' icon in the LockDown Browser toolbar. The LockDown Browser installation link will direct you to the Chrome web store, at which point you should select “Add to Chrome” to install the LockDown Browser Extension. Chromebook Use of Respondus Lockdown Browser It is now possible to use Respondus Lockdown Browser on a Chromebook. Do you want to know on 'What is Lockdown Browser' If so, read the article explaining the features provided by the Respondus LockDown Browser. To install the new extension to a student-owned Chromebook, you will need to use the regular LockDown Browser installation link for SDSU, you will NOT be able to search for the app directly from the Chrome web store. The LockDown Browser Chromebook extension also supports Respondus Monitor. A Chromebook extension for LockDown Browser is available for exams delivered in Canvas.